Cuban Surrogacy Pyramid Scheme American Joker 2x

The main problem with my family is that they want to put me in custody of a family in charge of me that they can talk to and I can’t talk to without being in a strip search headlock with a public repeat of internal instructions for inspection in public review for release of explanation that they give to that family to carry for their illegitimate children like a three way surrogacy rotation that expands recursively by adding more stem bastards to the Troy conga line that proceeds from my enterprise are then converted to fund for with a option for new family to be recruited into the Cuban surrogacy pyramid scheme unsuspecting using me in a bait and switch that I have to contend at the door for the door prize.  I am wanting to have children too but there’s a thumb placed on our rendezvous placement insertion for mixing their illegitimate children with my illegitimate children which we have already established clearly that we not they don’t want biblically.  Meanwhile I cannot have or receive my children subsequent to their paid placement in same surrogacy scheme.  They Trump the Troy conga line for the Vietcong.  My real gambit A game is controlled society culture like noko because of you can break into this tightly knit interwoven market based on hard currency liquidity smuggling as a going cultural commodity asset of exchange then you have plant your seed and it can grow either state protection.  This nationalism propaganda machine have quota for good times too which is three quarters from the top of the hysteria meter on Wolfgang Van Halen homelessness strudels American epithets on Babylon by Wheelchair, for Biden incumbent inauguration no less.  Which they may become startled and dazed if they don’t secure in count of inventory of bullshit!


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