Millions and Killions Served Here

I’m very designed a handy mnemonic for they type of John served:
Billions and billions served for billionaires 
Millions and millions served for millionaires 
Killians and Killians served for $1000s anume 
Cillians and cillians served for $100s
Tillians and tillians served 4 teens

Notice cillians and silians ie $100s John’s and $1s Johns in singles try to win by being silly.  A sillionaire john and a cillionaire john John are distinguished by whether they can proposition witty quick enough for getting it over loose change at cash register at singles bar.  Killion dollar John’s tend to trade for monthly grand and up allowances change for sex routinely.  Millions killions and billions tend be worth marrying or adopting fer.  The community chides me for playing the cillionaire John market fishing for killionaires when with a little lipstick on pig could pucker up for mm johns or higher.  And they’re sex blaming me if they’re careful cause I’m pitching in the dirt and they the ricas gonna pay through nose. They tend this to get low balls too.  Does anyone think the coast guard or fire rescue should cover for unwanted illegitimate children dry foot/ponied down?  Call the grandma, call the coast guard nanny for that brat race hangover.  I’m serving killions for millionaires because that’s who I say attention too: killions for millions (select me for billionaires)


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